Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What up...

It's been looong since i last update this blog. =D Just got a bit caught up with parents and also waiting for UNI results. It is scary that not all of my results come out at one go. I have been waiting and waiting and it is sucking my blood dry. Knowing that i didn't do that goood in mech. statics, it just worries me. :S I just hate that wait. I'll let him guide and give what i deserve. I just hope for a good pass or even better a credit. This is my target and i submit it to God.

Life is taking a turn. I didn't like facing certain things in my life. Especially when it even close friends connected with family issue. Things just go chaotic. I couldn't handle it as both holds a dearly position in my life. I am just like an egg in the middle of a sharp horn. Both wants it their way but i just couldn't compliment them. What should i do??

One more thing which kinda bothers me as well is the existence if this person in my eyes. THAT person is such a pain in the ass. you know who you are!


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