Thursday, August 23, 2007

The walk...........

The blog, the walk has been desolated for sometime. Now it is back!! However, the post today will see a different angle towards this blogger known as "The Walk".

The blogger of this blog is somehow a weird person, strange attitude and many more . But there is just something that the blogger couldn't get it. What is the true meaning of life? Help others?? Hmm... Somehow at times when he help others, some ppl claims that he is freaking them out.. So that might not be the true meaning of life?.... Having friends whom you can lean on in our everyday life? Hmmm... Again it is hard to let this blogger do so..some even said that the blogger himself is weak, unable to handle the challenges in life and should not be call a man himself.....hmmm... that's why he has this electronic device known as the blog.. So again what is the true meaning of life? Good grades in studies?? Simply not.. acheiving well does not assure a safe and secure thus successful life... Again what is the true meaning of life? be friendly towrds others??--> flash back.. the blogger himself finds it seemingly impossible to do so.. too many people things that he is an eye sore.... Again question what is the ture meaning of life? Being one of the best in every aspect? Or seek God through at all times?

The blogger himself just only seek 2 things in life as he knows that with this 2 things he can move on well in this life by which God grant him... Just only 2 things and it will indeed spur this very blogger "the Walk" to curb the cynical mind of others and brushing every problems from his sight..


Esther Chia said...

hm...lets not what we expect.thats for consist of a wide range of different categories.there is no standard way of life.just that people seem to think there is.and thus brush aside people who are different and they think not in the norm.hehe.i dont times i am one of the weirdo too.not at times.most of the times.haha.but one thing i know bout life is we are never alone in any situation.hehe.God is is just a temporary stop by.if we dont get what we want,so what?if we cant live to other people's expectation,so what?we are not living for them.even for those who do not believe in God,they should not live to other people's for themselves.for what is other people in our life?Christians,live for God.for our lives do not beling to us.yes,i agree friends are important.but do we live for them?definitely not.advise can be taken and put into consideration.anf of course family is important.but same.heed their advise if it is reasonable.teachers,same.i have been thru alot to say all this.haha..i think same as other people.wel...they mite not think the way i think.and there are things which i do not mention here.for at times i am is very colourful.thats what it will never be a forever happy ending thing.there will be rocks here and there.hehe..makes it more interesting eh?haha..i dont know why i am talking so much..i guess...stress stress stress...cause i'm trying my best to live for God and myself...of course..if possible..i wana mak my parents happy too..haha...oh yea..there is no such tihing as best christian in the world.just do your part..if we always wana race for the name 'best christian'..there will never be an end.being a christian is about living a Godly-life and love God.and oh hard for what you want..for there is no free lunch in this world...and do not care for what people say about u..for who are they to judge u?they are mere human like us.what they see is just their own opinion.they have no right to sentence us to doom for what we are doing..haha..better stop here before i start crapping all kinds of different who you are.for God knows whats in your heart and your mind.ciao~

Esther Chia said...

bdw,simple faith is what you need to get you through life.haha..was driving...and yea..that came to my mind..hehe..